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One Londoner's diary: Walking to work to combat increased mince pie intake. Part 3

Wednesday 19 December 2007

Having woke up this morning somewhat the worse for wear after the Staff Christmas Party. I was still determined to walk to work even though I was hung over (and I actually felt better at the end of it!) I think this was partly due to the fact that I am putting posts up on the Walking Works website. I kind of feel I have a commitment to uphold and would encourage everyone to do the same, whether it is just telling your friends at work or posting an article on a blog, this is a good motivational tool, trust me.

This morning was a beautiful sunny day and not as cold as it has been.

Before I started walking to work, I really believed that the weather would deter me from wanting to walk to work. After all some days this week has been 0 degrees – sounds bad doesn’t it? The shocking thing is though it really doesn’t bother me anymore. Sure in this weather you do need a good coat, scarf and gloves. But I think if you have not been doing a lot of exercise outside like me, you forget how easy it is to get warm and simply get used to the cold.

Don’t be afraid!

Other really surprising things

I originally allowed 30 minutes to walk from my house to the end of the park but it actually takes me 15 minutes! This again just goes to show that my perceptions of distance were way out. If you are thinking of walking to work but are not sure of how long it will take you, why don’t you just try it as an experiment?

At the moment I am only walking to work in the mornings but after Christmas would really like to walk after work as well. I have to admit walking at night time is something I am a bit afraid of, I don’t know why but I guess as long as I am walking in a public place that is visible I should not have anything to be afraid of.

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Healthy Towns=Healthy People
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Walk to Work Day-tell us how you did!
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One Londoner's diary: Walking to work to combat increased mince pie intake. Part 3
Wednesday 19 December 2007

One Londoner's diary: Walking to work to combat increased mince pie intake. Part 2